Chronological overview of English literature

  • 1945 BCE

    The Postmodern Period

    The Postmodern Period
    It began at the time when the Second World War ended, theory and literary criticism developed at that time, with some writers such as Samuel Beckett, Joseph Heller, Anthony Burgess, John Fowles, Penelope M. Lively, and Iain Banks.
  • 1914 BCE

    The Modern Period

    The Modern Period
    It occurs after the two world wars, the narrative, the verse and the drama are the themes at this time, which although the end date is not yet known, it is speculated that it still continues, here are writers such as: Virginia Woolf, Aldous Huxley, DH Lawrence, Joseph Conrad, Dorothy Richardson, among others. Being Virginia Woolf who gave life to literary criticism.
  • 1910 BCE

    The Georgian Period

    The Georgian Period
    It is considered works of poets, the theme is based on nature, they are treated with passion. Rupert Brooke was one of the important writers of this time.
  • 1901 BCE

    The Edwardian Period

    The Edwardian Period
    It arises at the outbreak of the First World War. It includes writers such as Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford, Rudyard Kipling, H.G. Wells, arises after the death of Queen Victoria.
  • 1832 BCE

    The Victorian Period

    The Victorian Period
    Here a battle arises between romantic, gothic and neoclassical ideas. It is named after Queen Victoria, who was on the throne, until her death. There were social, religious, intellectual and economic problems. Some poets of this time were Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and Matthew Arnold.
  • 1785 BCE

    The Romantic Period

    The Romantic Period
    Romanticism changed, here the belief in the senses, feelings, imagination and experiences was remarkable. This includes some writers such as Wordsworth, Coleridge, William Blake, Lord Byron, John Keats, Charles Lamb, among others.
  • 1600 BCE

    The Neoclassical Period

    The Neoclassical Period
    The Neoclassical period is also subdivided into ages, including The Restoration (1660–1700), The Augustan Age (1700–1745), and The Age of Sensibility (1745–1785). The writing was based on the physical appearance of people, satires, this literature considered man as a defective being.
  • 1066 BCE

    Middle English Period

    Middle English Period
    In this period the language, culture and lifestyle have a transformation, becoming known as "modern" today. This period has recognized works such as "Piers Plowman" and "Sir Gawain and the green horse"
  • 450


    Oral tradition of epic poems, this term comes from the union of two tribes, the Anglo and the Saxons. A well-known work is "Bowulf", which tells a poem about a Gauta warrior who faces attacks from a monster, becoming the King of the Gautas who fights a dragon to the death.
  • 1500

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The modern age, is divided into 4 parts: Elizabethan Age, Golden Age of English, precursor William Shakespare. The Jacobean Age, also called "The Reign of James", writers Lady Mary Wroth and Elizabeth Cary. The Caroline Age, and the Commonwealth Period, this period goes from the English civil war to the restoration of the monarchy, the theaters were closed for 2 decades in order to avoid the assembly, even so writers like Thomas Fuller, Abraham Cowley and Andrew Marvell published some works.