Oct 31, 1451
Born in Genoa
May 4, 1479
Gets married to Felipa Perestrella
No day is recorded or month. -
May 4, 1480
Christopher and Felipe have a son named Diego
no month or specific day found. -
May 6, 1485
Felpia dies and Columbus moves to Cadiz and sells maps
No day or month found.. -
Aug 15, 1488
Christopher and Dona Beatriz Enriquez have a son called Ferdinand
Aug 3, 1492
Set sail on Santa Maria
no day or month recorded. -
Dec 5, 1492
Christopher Comlubus establishes first spanish settlement
Mar 5, 1493
Columbus tells Spain about "New World'
Aug 1, 1498
Chritopher Columbus is the first European to land in South America
May 20, 1506
Died of heart failure