Feb 21, 1149
journal of the voyage,
1492 In the letter in his journal of the voyage, the admiral vividly evokes his own hopes and binds them all together with the conquest -
Apr 21, 1451
born in Italy born August 27 and is when he was born as a little and named Christopher Columbus, and he is talian -
Jan 21, 1484
In 1484 Columbus seeking support for an Atlantic crossing from King John of Portugal but was denied aid. have alleged that Columbus 1486 -
Apr 21, 1492
Columbus transatlantic voyages under the sponsor of Ferdinand and Isabella I the Catholic Monarchs Of Aragon Castile and Leon in Spain. April 1492, is when it happened -
Apr 21, 1502
claims of the Columbus family, and his apocalyptic Book of Prophecies, which includes several biblical passages. i -
May 22, 1506
when he died
died May 20, 1506,died he died in italy because of old age -
May 22, 1506
when he died
Christopher columbus died a disappointing man because he was ill and was no longer a hero.so he could not do his job so that is why he died disappointing 1506 -
The winter and spring of 1501–02 were busy. The chosen ships were bought, fitted, and crewed, and some 20 of Columbus’s extant letters and -
their son Diego was born in 1480. Between 1482 and 1485 Columbus traded along the Guinea and Gold coasts of tropical West Africa and