Jan 1, 1477
Trip to Guinea and Iceland.
Columbus got inspired to travel and also he's expirence widens as a sailor. -
May 21, 1480
Married to Felipa Muñiz
Columbus married to his first wife. -
Aug 15, 1492
The King and Queen approval.
Columbus started his first expedition in search of a new part of the world with financial support from the King and Queen of Spain. -
Aug 17, 1492
Colombus departed from Spain
Colombus departed from spain on a fleet of three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. -
Oct 12, 1492
Discovers Bahamas
Columbus landed on the island of Guanahani, an island known as San Salvador in the Bahamas, on his first voyage.. -
Oct 28, 1492
Discovered Cuba
In Columbus first voyage he sailed through Northeast of the Americas and founded Cuba. -
Jan 1, 1493
Discovered Jamaica
Columbus discovers Jamaica in 143 and claimed for Spain. -
Nov 19, 1493
Discovered Puerto Rico
During his second voyage, Columbus sailed along the Caribbean Sea on the islands southern coast and went ashore somewhere on the western shore and arrived to Puerto Rico. -
Nov 22, 1493
Landed on Guadalupe
Columbus became the first European to land on Guadeloupe, while seeking fresh water. He called it Santa María de Guadalupe de Extremadura. -
Dec 23, 1493
Discovered Hispaniola
Columbus arrived at Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) and later that month one his ship called the Santa Maria sank. -
Sep 14, 1494
Moon Eclipse
On Columbus second voyages to the Hisponiola island, he and his men saw the first lunar eclipse. -
May 21, 1500
Returns Chained with his Brothers.
Columbus returns chained together his brothers Diego and bartolome by order of the new Governor of the Indies. -
May 17, 1502
Returns to Spain
After his third voyage, Columbus return his way back to Spain. -
May 21, 1502
Discover Nicaragua
Nicaragua was first discovered by Europeans when Christopher Columbus arrived from Honduras and explored the eastern coast on his fourth voyage in 1502. -
Jul 30, 1502
Discovers Honduras
During Columbus fourth and last trip through the Americas, Christopher Columbus reached the Bay Islands and soon afterwards the coast of the mainland. This was the first time he saw Honduran soil. From the Island of Guanaja, which he is said to have named Columbus set sail toward the northern continental coast and in Punta Caxinas, now Puerto Castilla, he ordered the celebration of the first mass on the Honduran main land -
May 20, 1506
He dies
He dies in Balladoli.