Aug 3, 1451
Birth Date
Christopher Columbus is born. -
Feb 3, 1492
Start of the Journey
Chritopher Colombus and 100 men get in 3 ships and start on a journey. -
Feb 3, 1493
land found
Land is found 33 days after they depart on their journey. -
Feb 3, 1494
Funded agian
King Ferdidnad funds Christopher Columbus for aother trip. -
Feb 3, 1494
More funding
Christopher Columbus gets funded for a 3rd voyage -
Feb 4, 1496
A lot more funding
Christopher Columbus is funded for a lot more voyages. -
Feb 4, 1499
Vespucci is ona trip to the New World. -
Feb 7, 1506
Christopehr Columbus is buried. -
May 20, 1506
Christopher Columbuis dies on this date -
Log Books
King of spain takes out Christopher Colmbus log books.