The rule of the Five Good Begins
The emperors created a period of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana, "The Roman Peace". The emperors were praised with their building programs, everybody in Rome were active in building roads, aqueducts, bridges, roads and harbor facilities. -
Height of Roman Empire
Large landed estates, called latifundia, dominated farming in southern and central Italy. Large quanity of grain were imported, especially from Egypt to feed the people of Rome. Peace wall over the country of Rome, with leadings of very high trade. -
Height of Roman Empire Part 2
With all of Rome, they still had some serious problems. The emperors provided food for the city poor. About two hundred thousand people received free grain, conditions remained grim for the poor. Public spectacles were provided by the emperor as part of the great religious festivals celebrated by the state. -
Romulus Augustulus was deposed by germanic head of the army
There have been theories but each has been challenged. There was lead poisoning through leaden water pipes and cups caused a mental decline in the population. Plauge wiped out one-tenth of the population. Rome failed to advance technologically because of slavery. Rome was unable to put together a workable political system.