460 BCE
Democritus began with the idea that everything could be broken down into smaller pieces. This is how he came upon his AtomTheory. Aristotle did not believe in this theory. Democritus stated that everything could be broken down into atoms. To Democritus the atom looked like a marble. VIDEO:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgWn91ap99A -
400 BCE
Aristotle believed that all matter was made of "The Four Elements" which are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
He did not have any proof to support his theory. The Atom Theory had no proof as well.
People believed and supported Aristotle's theory because in that time Aristotle was one of the greatest minds and had many followers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kHF-a5FbCI- video link \ Resource- http://www.iep.utm.edu/aristotl/ -
Boston tea party
The colonists were mad at Great Bittan so they went to the port and poured barrels of tea into the ocean to revolt against their leaders
http://listovative.com/10-most-important-historical-events-that-changed-the-world-forever/ -
Antonie Lavosier
Antonie Lavoisier found the two elements that make up water.He named one Oxygen (Greek for becoming sharp) because of the acid in it. He named the other Hydrogen (greek for water former).
His finding did not change the current atom model of his time, it just added another element. http://historyoftheatomictheory.weebly.com/antoine-lavoisier.html -
Joseph Proust
He proposed the Law of Definite Proportions. The law states that the ratio of elements in a compound is always the same/constant. He also hinted at the 'lego'ness of matter; he believed that matter could be put together in certain patterns to make bigger, different, unique matter. Him doing this made it so John Dalton could set up his atomic theory adventually
http://historyoftheatomictheory.weebly.com/joseph-proust.html -
John Dalton
John Dalton developed the Atomic Theory in 1800. He still believed that the atom was the smallest unit of matter, and that it could not be broken down. He believed in Democritus' theory of the atom looking like a marble. John Dalton also tried to calculate the atomic weight of compounds. He also tried to come up with the atomic structures of atoms.
Resource- http://www.biography.com/people/john-dalton-9265201 -
Amadeo Avagadro
He proposed Avogaros Theory wich stated that "at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules or atoms." http://cstl-csm.semo.edu/cwmcgowan/ch181/atomhist.htm -
William Crookes
He is mostly known for making the cathode ray tube . "high-vacuum tube in which cathode rays produce a luminous image on a fluorescent screen, used chiefly in televisions and computer terminals"- so it pretty much take cathode rays and shoots them through a high pressure tube and it appears on your TV .He discover Thallium, which is a residue if Sulfuric acid
video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThnJyJ9qbzc -
Abraham Lincoln gets assicanated in fords theater by John wlikx booth.
Henri Becquerel
He discovered radioactivity which was an early contribution to the atomic theory. He Found this while experimenting with Uranium https://www.reference.com/science/did-henri-becquerel-contribute-atomic-theory-31d2a19c823ad9c6 -
JJ Thomson
JJ Thomson discovered the electron using the cathode-ray tube.in 1904 Thompson thought the atoms was a sphere of positive
force with electrons around it. This is known as th plum pudding model.
Thompson also created a mass spectrograph
which found isotopes. http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/chemistry-in-history/themes/atomic-and-nuclear-structure/thomson.aspx
Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwdGFZA3WOs -
Max Planck
He discovered the quantum theory wich is "a theory of matter and energy based on the concept of quanta, especially quantum mechanics." Many people have since disproved this theory, or made theories that are more accurate.
https://www.google.com/search?q=quantum+theory+definition&safe=strict&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS707&espv=2&biw=1270&bih=590&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK5raw4L7PAhWb0YMKHU2BBbsQ_AUIBygC#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=quantum+theory+ -
Albert Einstein
He discovered the theory of Relativity which helped people under stand the release of atomic energy. www.teslasociety.com/einstein.htm -
Madame Curie
She was a pioneer in radioactive research. She figured out how to get pure radium form serperating it from other forms of things.
https://the-history-of-the-atom.wikispaces.com/Marie+Curie -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus in 1911 ish. His theory was the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons orbiting around it.
This changed the atom greatly because it was now known that most of the atoms weight is in the nucleus.
His model was known as planetary system or atomic model.
http://www.rsc.org/chemsoc/timeline/pages/1911.html- resource -
Robert Millikan
While at a college in Chicago he worked on a thing called a oil drop test. This test allowed them to measure the charge of an electron. Up until this point people only knew about the negative charge of the atom.
Resource- http://study.com/academy/lesson/robert-millikan-biography-atomic-theory-oil-drop-experiment.html -
Henry Moseley
Henry Mosely contribution to the atom was finding the relationship between wavelengths,
x-rays produced, and the atomic number of a metal. His discovery became known as Mosely's Law.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Moseley#Moseley.27s_research_breakthrough_in_physics_and_chemistry -
Niels Bohr
Niels Bhor proposed a new atom model that would allow the electrons to be outside the nucleus and in orbit around the nucleus.
This was diffrent from they way people had viewed the attom in previous years. Bhor said the electrons were on a special orbit,
and his model is known as the Bhor Model. http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/bohr_atom.html -
Erwin Schrodinger
He took Bhors moddel and went into more detail, furthering mans discoveries of the atom. he said the electrons have a special orbit around the nucleus called "stationary" orbits. http://www.abcte.org/files/previews/chemistry/s1_p6.html -
Werner Heisenberg
NOTE; may have been 1959 sources contradicted
He came up with the theory of quantum mechanics wich pretty much interprets the behavior of particles and atoms. He ended up winning a nobel prize for this discovery. https://the-history-of-the-atom.wikispaces.com/Werner+Heisenberg -
Louis deBroglie
came up with the wave mechanics theory; which is, he believed that electrons can act as both waves and participles, the same as light can. also, it stated that waves produced by electrons stayed in orbit around the enclose; just like we orbit around the sun is how I see it. Adventually, he ended up proving that electrons do infant act as waves proving his theory. -
James Chadwick
In 1932 he proved that neutrons exsisted. This changed the way people saw the atom because it added another parctice to the make up of the atom. I belive he won a noble prize for this decovery
http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1935/chadwick-bio.html -
Germany attacks Poland starting WW2
Japan attacks America at Pearl harbor; forcing America to enter the war.
America starts the manhatian project, which one of the major labs was a ISU, and they started developing the atom bomb
America uses two atom bombs on japan, winning WW2 for America against Japan.
The Korean war starts and America gets envolved to help the south win against communist north.
America enters the civil war in Vietnam to help rid the world of communism.
Terriosts attack the Worlds trades center in New York ,America
Terriost Osama Bin Laden gets killed by the American armed forces.