christianity timeline

By bmoss10
  • 45

    Travels Of Paul

    four missionary journeys to spread the word of jesus through out the empire. this grew the religion drastically. it wasn't easy due to there being very few transportation options at the time.
  • 64

    great fire of rome

    rome was on fire for 5 days due to a fire started at around the rome stadium merchant shops.2/3rds of rome was destroyed after the chaos was over. as well as many valuable things to the city where completely destroyed.
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    battle of the milvian bridge

    the battle took place between the roman emperors and maxentius. the cause was the romans desire to gain more power and gain more land. this dream scenario didn't come true because the Constantinians won decisively.
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    edict of milan

    a letter signed by the romans that gave favors and rights to the christian church. however they would not give the church of christianity any biased or specific favors.
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    Theodosius’ Reign

    the last emperor to rule over the east and west of the roman empire. he officially made the nicene christian church the official of the empire.he is also considered a saint.