
Christian Kingdoms in Spain

  • May 15, 722

    Starting of kingdom of Asturias

    Starting of kingdom of Asturias
    Pelayo defeats the muslims and the kingdom of Asturias starts
  • Jun 11, 757

    Alfonso I

    Alfonso I
    expanded domains towards
    Galicia and began to occupy
    the northern Meseta. years: 739-757
  • Mar 7, 824

    Kingdom of Pamplona is formed

    Kingdom of Pamplona is formed
  • May 25, 856


    9Th century, they broke away from the Frankk kingdom and they join to the kingdom of Navarra
  • Oct 21, 910

    Alfonso III

    Alfonso III
    conquered Coimbra and
    Oporto. When he died, he
    divided his possessions into
    three kingdoms: Asturias,
    Galicia and León. years: 866-910
  • Jul 22, 929

    Kingdom of Pamplona is loyal to the córdoba caliphatte

  • Jul 20, 1035

    Kingdom of Aragón is formed

    Kingdom of Aragón is formed
    Ramiro I, first king of the kingdom of Aragón
  • Mar 21, 1149

    Ramón Berenguer IV

    Ramón Berenguer IV
    conquered Tortosa and LLérida years 1148-1149
  • Mar 27, 1177

    Alfonso VII

    Alfonso VII
    He conquers cuenca
  • Mar 21, 1212

    Alfonso VII

    Alfonso VII
    He defeated the Almohads in the battle of Navas de Tolosa
  • Jun 12, 1230

    Fernando III

    Fernando III
    Conquered Valle del Guadalquivir years: 1217-1230
  • Jun 24, 1230

    Alfonso IX

    Alfonso IX
    Conquered cáceres and badajoz years: 1229-1230
  • Aug 11, 1238

    Jaime I

    Jaime I
    subdued the Muslim Kingdoms of Mallorca (1229)
    and Valencia (1238).
  • Aug 14, 1284

    Alfonso X

    Alfonso X
    conquered Cádiz, making the Kingdom of Granada the only
    remaining Muslim state. years : 1252-1284
  • Apr 24, 1305

    Jaime II

    Jaime II
    fought Castilla for control of the Kingdom of Murcia.
    Their permanent borders were eventually agreed upon in 1305.
  • Apr 6, 1340

    Alfonso XI

    Alfonso XI
    fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty,
    who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. The armies of Castilla and Portugal
    formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado
  • Mar 17, 1492

    Muslims are expelled from thhe peninsula

    Muslims are expelled from thhe peninsula
  • Kingdom of Castilla is formed

    Kingdom of Castilla is formed