• Period: 718 to 910

    Kingdom of Asturias

    From the proclamation of Pelayo as king by the Asturians in 718 until the death of Alfonso III in 910.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    Pelayo's army defeat the Muslims in this battle in Covadonga, Asturias. This began the Reconquista:the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims
  • Period: 824 to 1162


    Iñigo Arista gained control of his territory from the Franks. The kingdom of Pamplona experienced its greatest expansion under the rule of Sancho III.
  • Period: 910 to 1230

    Kingdom of Leon

    Alfonso III took the control of Muslims territories from the River Duero to the kingdom of Asturias .
  • Period: 1035 to 1230

    Kingdom of Castile

    Castile was governed by counts under the control of the king of León. Fernan Gonzalez, gained independence from the kingdom of León.
    Later, Castile became part of kingdom of Pamplona. When Sancho III died in 1035, his kingdom was divided in his sons. One son, Ferdinand I made himself king of Castile.
  • Period: 1035 to 1137

    Kingdom of Aragon

    Some Aragónese counties in the Hispanic Marches freed themselves from Frankish rule.Ramiro I the son of Sancho III, proclaimed himself king of Aragon
  • 1137

    Union for the Crown of Aragon

    Union for the Crown of Aragon
    The Crown of Aragon is the political formation born of the union in 1137 between the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona, established by the marriage of Petronila, daughter and heir of Ramiro II, King of Aragon, and Ramón Berenguer, Count of Barcelona.
  • Period: 1137 to

    Crown of Aragon

    The hereditary union of the kingdom of Aragon and the county of Barcelona unificated this territory to start the Crown of Aragon
  • Period: 1139 to

    Kingdom of Portugal

    Alfonso I proclaimed himself king of Portugal, making the county of Portugal independent and therefore from the Kingdom of León.
  • Period: 1162 to

    Kingdom of Navarre

    The kingdom of Navarre its the kingdom of Pamplona but in 1162 Sancho VI changed the name.
    The kingdom of Navarre was located between the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. This made it impossible for Pamplona to exted its territory, as it did not share any borders with the Muslims
  • 1212

    Battle of Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Navas de Tolosa
    On 16 July 1212, an allied Christian army made up largely of Castilian troops under Alfonso VIII of Castile, Aragonese troops under Pedro II of Aragon, Navarrese troops under Sancho VII of Navarre and volunteers from the kingdom of Leon and the kingdom of Portugal faced off against the numerically superior Muslim army.
  • 1230

    Definitive union of Castile and León. The Crown of Castile was formed.

    Definitive union of Castile and León. The Crown of Castile was formed.
    The Crown of Castile is considered the beginning of the final and definitive union of the two kingdoms.
    Ferdinand III, King of Castile from 1217, became King of León after the resignation of Teresa of Portugal, uniting the two kingdoms once and for all.
  • Period: 1230 to

    Crown of Castile

    Ferdinand III inherited the kingdom of Castile from his mother and the kingdom of Leon from his father. Two kingdoms were definitively united to form the Crown of Castile
  • 1492

    The end of the Reconquest

    The end of the Reconquest
    The Christian kingdoms finally expell Muslims of the Iberian Peninsula.
    They can expell before but the Muslims paid Parias so they can invaded and the other reason was the big crisis in the Middle Ages (Black death, Civil wars...)