Chris Graduates from College
Chris graduates from college with a 3.7 gpa http://www.sociologyinfocus.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/iStock_000021059919Small.jpg -
Letter to his parents
No exact date but towards the end of June Chris wrote a letter to his parents. It contained his final report card and a note.The note didn't have much in it. http://www.careersingovernment.com/tools/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/thank-you-letters.jpg -
Chris loads all his belongings and heads west
Chris decides to leave everything behind and leaves without telling anyone http://blog.usrentacar.co.uk/index.php/tag/packing/ -
McCandless abandons his car
Due to an immense amount of rainfall, McCandless was faced with a flash flood and he was able to gether his belongings, forcing him to leave his car. After not being able to start up the car Chrs decided to abadon his car and leave on foot. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/abandoned-car-wreck-28420.jpg -
Mexican Boarder
Chris illegally crosses the Mexican border on December 2nd. http://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f34530ecb12e336a9dfe29c/t/546ec0b5e4b00628ff794ab1/1416544437784/ -
Harsh Storm
Chris almost drowns after harsh storm hits him while canoeing. After he lived in a cave for a little while Chris decided that it was time to get back in the canoe. http://uploads3.wikiart.org/images/ivan-aivazovsky/the-wrath-of-the-seas-1886.jpg -
After being discovered trying to cross back into the country from Mexico he spends one night in jail. https://expertbeacon.com/sites/default/files/how_to_decide_if_you_should_bail_someone_out_of_jail_when_arrested.jpg -
Los Angeles
Chris settles in Los Angeles, applying for an ID and job. He starts to feel extremely uncomfortable in society and heads back on to the road. http://www.lausanneschool.com/uploaded/alum/Los_Angeles_Region.jpg -
Chris returned to Detrital Wash
Chris returned to find his car impounded and he dug up his belongings he buried then hitchhiked to Las Vegas and found a job. http://mavdisk.mnsu.edu/larsop2/geog101/Fluvial/LoadBed3.JPG -
Chris leaves Las Vegas
Chris gets itchy feet and left his job in Vegas then eads back on the road http://files.purpleclover.com/photos/2013/10/31/55-8636-screen-shot-2013-10-31-at-11-1383245804.png -
Bound for Alaska
Chris sets off for his adventure in Alaska with 1000 dollars and a backpack. http://www.tourwithtony.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/SpectacularAlaska_cover_finals.jpg -
Chris's Body Discovered
After a couple months of starvation and brutal conditions, Chris McCandless's body is found inside the bus by hunters. http://www.christophermccandless.info/images/slideshow.jpg