Chpt. 24 timeline

By 1318021
  • Earl Warren nominated for Cheif Justice

    Earl Warren nominated for Cheif Justice
    President Eisenhower nominates Earl Warren, governor of California, as Chief Justice of the United States
  • Brown vs. The board of education

    Brown vs. The board of education
    Declared segregation in public schools unconstintutional
  • Kennedy is elected president

    Kennedy is elected president
    Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy is elected the 35th president of the United States.
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    President John F. Kennedy founded the Peace Corps as a way of helping less-developed nations fight poverty
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Kennedy planned to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro but failed
  • Mapp vs.Ohio

    Mapp vs.Ohio
    Ruled that unlawfully seized evidence cannot be used in a trial
  • Berlin Wall goes up

    Berlin Wall goes up
    Khrushchev built a wall through Berlin, blocking movement between the Soviet sector and the rest of the city.
  • The Presidential Commission on the Status of Women is founded

    The Presidential Commission on the Status of Women is founded
    In 1961, Kennedy created the Presidential Common on the Status of Women that called for federal action against gender discrimination.
  • Engel vs. Vitale

    Engel vs. Vitale
    Banned states-mandated prayer in public schools
  • The Cuban Missile crisis

    The Cuban Missile crisis
    A U2 spy plane spotted long-ranged missiles in Cuba, aimed at the US, placed by Russia. America Set up a Naval blockade around Cuba until Russia agreed to remove them. It lasted 13 days.
  • Kennedy's Assaination

    Kennedy's Assaination
    President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 granted millions of dollars to public and private schools.
  • Miranda vs Arizona

    Miranda vs Arizona
    Required police to inform suspects of their rights during the arrest process
  • Loving vs Virginia

    Loving vs Virginia
    Forbade state bans on interracial marriages
  • The First Special Olympics Games

    The First Special Olympics Games
    The first Special Olympics Games was held in Chicago