Choice board performance task

  • Revenue

    "Every government must have money to operate and state governments are no exception, if there is to be a public school system with teachers, buildings, and textbooks; if there are to be roads connecting the major cities of the state; if there are to be parks and projected wilderness areas, then state government must have money yo pay for the services," this is how revenue works.
    -New Georgia Enyclopedia
  • Entrepreneurs

    Someone who makes and operates there own business, he/she is taking a great financial risk in order to start everything, an example of an entrepreneurship would be the coca-cola company.
  • County Unit System

    County Unit System
    "All of Georgia's 159 counties were classified according to population into one of 3 categories, urban, town,and rural; urban counties were 8 most populous, town counties were the next 30 in population size, and rural counties contributed the remaining 121; based upon this classification each county received unit votes in state wide primaries."
    -New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    "Talmadge was a segregationist who resisted all attempts to integrate the public school system and even wrote a book called "You and Segregation," also he was a member of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, which oversaw the national tax system; he consistently supported balanced budgets."
    -New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    "Georgia's General Assembly ratified the addition of the confederate battle flag to the state flag in 1956 as a backlash to the Brown V. Education decisions, which federally imposed integration of public schools."
    -New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
    This man and woman made history they were the first African Americans to be admitted into UGA; they helped the school to grow even more.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    "During his years of public service at the local, state,and federal levels, Carter's policies contained liberal social values; he emphasized comprehensive reform and stressed efficiency and economy, advance planning and rational organization; he also championed equal rights for all Americans, especially women and minorities, and basic human rights for all people."
    -New Georgia Encyclopedia
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the Civil Rights Movement; no longer would there be segregation in public places of employment discrimination because of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
  • Personal Money Management

    Personal Money Management
    The key is to make more money than you spend, and use your money wisely, for example buying something you NEED over Something you WANT; keep a budget, this could help you in everyday situations because you would then know you don't need to spend over the the limit you have set.
  • 1996 Olympics

    1996 Olympics
    This was a huge event, Atlanta spent a total of $5.14 billion on just getting ready for it; they built new sports arenas, made more parking space, sidewalks and streets were improved, and lots ,ore was done too, this big event made a legacy for Atlanta and it's leaders.