Jan 19, 1500
People in Central America begin to drink chocolate -
Jan 19, 1500
The Aztecs started to drink chocolate. Then the Spanish brought chocolate to Spain. Later chocolate drinking spreads to other parts of Europe. -
Jan 22, 1502
Christopher Columbus introduced the cocoa bean to Spain. In Spain the bean was crushed and mixed with sugar and spices and became a popular drink.
Chocolate went further when a coffeehouse in London began using chocolate to make the very first chocolate cakes and cookies.
French man opened a shop in London selling both the hot chocolate and solid chocolate to be made into a beverage.
A chocolate house opens in England where people went to buy a glass of chocolate -
The first chocolate factory opened in America. -
Back then steam engines were used to grind cocoa beans making chocolate cheaper. -
In 1847 the first chocolate bar was made -
Prince Albert's Exposition in London was the first time that Americans were introduced to bonbons, chocolate creams, hand candies (called "boiled sweets"), and caramels. -
Richard Cadbury created the first known heart-shaped candy box for Valentine's Day. -
Daniel Peter of Switzerland added dried milk to the process of making chocolate.
Rodolfe Lindt invents machine where the addition of cocoa butter to the cocoa mass followed by a prolonged kneading process produced a glossy, velvety smooth chocolate
Daniel Peter and Henri Nestlé joined together to form the Nestlé Company and Rodolphe Lindt of Berne, Switzerland, produced a more smooth and creamy chocolate that melted on you tongue. -
The first known published recipe for chocolate brownies appeared in the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue. -
Jean Tobler opens a chocolate facotry in the Switzerland. 'Toblerone' invneted a special blend of cocoa and almonds.
Milky way went on say in the usa. -
Mars invented first filled chocolate bar
Belgian chocolatier, Joseph Draps starts the Godiva Company to compete with Hershey's and Nestle's American market. -
Snickers and Freddo go on sale