Gaming Act outlawed puckapoo and fan-tan two Chinese games of chance
The Poll Tax was increased to a hundred dollars
Immigration Restriction Act which along with excluding criminals, the insane and people with infectious diseases also excluded Chinese.
English Reading test for 'Aliens' which included Chinese.
Chinese prevented from being naturalised citizens
Factories Act limited the hours that laudaries employing more than two people could be open. This affected Chinese laundaries as most of them employed more than two workers.
Immigration Restriction Act which required all aliens to apply for permit to come and only the Minister of Customs could decide who was allowed to come as permanent residents
Amendment to the Shops and Offices Act stated that all people working in fruit shops apart from the owner and his/her spouse had to be paid the basic wage. this stopped Chinese fruiterers from using their children as unpaid workers.
Immigration review permitted Chinese with professional qualifications to come to New Zealand