Chinese timeline

  • 1766 BCE

    Shang dynasty

    Shang dynasty
    The Shang dynasty defeated and took over the Shu because they had lost their mandate to heaven, the Shang then became the next big dynasty in China from 1766-1111 BCE
  • Period: 1766 BCE to

    China's dynasties

    It has been recorded that every time a dynasty fell or was over taken that there would be natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, and even peasant uprisings. All the way through every dynasty in the history of China
  • 1111 BCE

    Zhou dynasty

    Zhou dynasty
    The Zhou dynasty came after the Shang, they over through the Shang because the very last emperor roasted and ate his opponents and he to lost his way to heaven. The Zhou dynasty lasted from 1111- 221 BCE
  • 583 BCE

    Sui dynasty

    Sui dynasty
    The Sui dynasty lasted from 581-618, but one historical thing in this time was Wendi( the emperor) moved the capital of China to a newly built Chang’an named after the Han dynasty. It became the largest city in the world at this time and the biggest city inside the great wall.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    The Qin dynasty came after the Zhou dynasty in 221-201 BCE, the Qin dynasty is also where China got its name, its also known as the Ch'in dynasty which makes more sense
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Qin dynasty

    The Qin dynasty is the most important, it really starts to shape and unify China, they started to develop brutality to make the following dynasty(the Han) look more legit. We start to see confussim which is a way of government and education, plus we see juniz, when a father and son both have a level of respect for each other
  • 690

    Tang dynasty

    Tang dynasty
    Emperor Gaozong had suffered a heart attacked and had passed away, o empress Wu took over in his footsteps and became the first and only empress at the time
  • Period: 1235 to 1279

    Song dynasty

    In 1235 started fighting with the Mongol dynasty, but in this time period when they are fighting the Song's used the first explosive weapons in Chinese history
  • Period: 1275 to 1295

    Yuan dynasty

    Marco Polo the Venetian merchant traveled through Kublai's kingdom
  • 1368

    Ming dynasty

    Ming dynasty
    Taizu started out as the youngest monk, they sent him off and he gained control of Beijing. He never caught the Mongol emperor, so their empire never expand into Asia. The Ming dynasty was not as great as other dynasties. It had more respect for the common man. Taizu favored the poor over the rich, he heavily taxed the rich. He would by big property and rent it out to the poor. He got rid of slavery, Taizu was a cruel emperor. He had periodic purges that ended in the death of a lot of people.
  • Period: to

    Qing dynasty

    The Opium War started in 1840 ending with the Nanjing Treaty which gave Hong Kong to Great Britain