Chinese Revolution

  • Sun Yixian becomes president

    Sun Yixian becomes president
    Sun Yixian becomes president of the new Republic of China.
    He hoped to stablish a modern government.
  • Yuan Shikai turns over presidency

    Yuan Shikai turns over presidency
    Yuan became president in exchange of military support.
    He became a military dictator.
    His actions started local revolts.
  • Reforms in China

    Reforms in China
    Yuan Shikai dissolves the National Assembly and implements a self-appointed cabinet.
  • Restoration of imperial rule

    Restoration of imperial rule
    Yuan Shakai has the intention to be crowned as emperor.
  • Yuan Shikai dies.

    Yuan Shikai dies.
    Yuan´s death generated chaos.
    Cvil war broke out.
  • Provisional government declares war to Germany.

    Provisional government declares war to Germany.
    They hoped Allied victory.
    After the Treaty of Versalles they gave Japan the territories that were owned by Germany.
  • The May 4th movement

    The May 4th movement
    Over 3000 hundred angry students gathered in the center of Berlin.
    The Chinese people wanted a strong, modern nation.
  • Meeting in shangai.

    Meeting in shangai.
    Groups of people reunited in Shangai to discuss Marxs revolutionary believes.
  • Chinese Communist party

    Chinese Communist party
    More meetings in Shangai, they wanted to organize the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Lenin intervines in China.

    Lenin intervines in China.
    Lenin started to send military advisors to China
  • Period: to

    First United Front

    A military academy and National army was created in order to protect China
  • National Revolutionary Army

    National Revolutionary Army
    The Guomindang forms the National Revolutionary Army
  • Northern expedition begins

    Northern expedition begins
    Expeditions troughout the north of China began
  • First engagement of the Civil War.

    First engagement of the Civil War.
    CCP forces attempt to seize control of Nanchang from the Guomindang
  • Jiang Jieshi become president

    Jiang Jieshi become president
    He was a respected general who was against the comunist party of China.
  • Civil War Starts

    Civil War Starts
    Campaings Against communism begin.
    Bandit Suppression begins.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    Chaos all over China
  • The Long march

    The Long march
    The Long March was a communist party which was fighting against the Chinese national army. Thier lider was Mao Zedong, he won a lot of respect by the people.
  • December 9th movement

    December 9th movement
    A massive number of students marched to ask the National government to resist Japan attacks.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan invades Vhina and forces nationalists to join the communists.
  • Battle of Taierzhuang

    Battle of Taierzhuang
    It was the first Nationalists victory, now the belief that Japanesse troops were invincible disappeared. It raised the moral of soldiers.
  • World War 2 Starts

    World War 2 Starts
    Germany invaded poland