Revolution in China led to the end of the Qing dynasty started when a bomb accidentally exploded causing uprisings -
In 1912 Sun Yat Sen was declared president of the provisional republic in January of 1912; a new government was created with a Senate and a Lower house and was supposed to create a new constitution. -
Chiang Kai Shek, China compete with whom?
They required the help of the CCP which created the alliance between Communist and Nationalists. -
Sun Yat Sen died causing the Alliance to fall apart in 1927. -
1927, Guomindang and Communists.
Guomindang leader Chiang Kai Shek got into an argument with the communists because they tried to foment socialist revolution and the communists continued with their plan . -
Japanese destroyed the china city of Nanking. -
1942, Rectification Program.
Rectification Program is basically meant students and intellectuals were sent into the countryside to give them a taste of what “real China” was like in an effort to re-educate them. -
Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China The announcement ended the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party. -
28,332 people were accused of being spies. -
China first 4 plan; Industry increased, peasants had to grow a lot of grain and sell it at low prices, and China’s population grew. -
1958-1960 Great Leap Forward
The main result of Great Leap Forward were there was less for the peasants to eat and many people died, approximately 20 million died. -
1960-1969 Cutural revolution
The three result of cultural revolution were for the entire decade of the Cultural Revolution, schools in China did not operate; this left an entire generation with no formal education. -
Mao create two important were Great Leap Forward and Cultural revolution. -
Mao is the founder of China Republic, and he promises to make china modern, and increase the women status. -
Mao died in 1976. -
Mao declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China. -
1934-1935 long march
They walk for 368 days and about 5,000 miles.