The Xinhai Revolution starts
Nationalist Party ovethrows the Quing Dynasty lead by Sun Yixian
Nacionalists unite China and get it under a centralized government
They also made the country a constitutional govenment
They gave fair and equal ownership of land
The Nacionalist Party has problems handling warlords and looses power
China enters the WWI to impres European countries
WWI ends
May Fourth Movement violent student protest
Communist party is formed by Mao Zedong
Japan Invades China
Despite the hate and difference between Nacionalists and Commubists the get together to fight back Japan
Sun Yixian dies (Nacionalist Party Leader)
Jaing Jieshi takes control of the Nationalists party
Shangai Masacre, Nacionalist kill thausand of Communists
Civil war the nacionalts made a reform that didnt help the pesants so they were unhappy
Japan invades Manchiria
The Long March, the nacionalist chase the communist army through more than 6000 miles
Japan atacks again during WWII so they get together again
After WWII civil war continues between nacionalists and communists
With the support of te people MAo defeats the nacionalists and takes control over china
Nacionalists flew to Taiwan