Revolutions that changed the world 6

Chinese Revolution

  • 1937 BCE

    Chiang kai and the defeated kuomitang

    Chiang Kai and the defeated Kuomitng went into exiled Taiwan in 1949
  • 1931 BCE


    it was a disaster and led to his replacement by a group of chinese intellectuals called d28 Bolhevicks
  • 1931 BCE


    They sent roughly 45,000 man to occupy chinese Manchuria with no troops to spare the Kuomintang was forced to concede whithout resistance
  • 1927 BCE

    Chiang kai iniciated the white terror

    Chiang kai iniciated the white terror
    in 1927 Chiang Kai inicited the white terror in response to a communist plot to overthrow him
  • 1925 BCE

    yat - sen die

    yat - sen die
    yat - sen die and china get over hands of Chiang kai-shek
  • 1923 BCE


    they sealed cooperation with the comunist Party of china or CPC in exchange for assistance in ending regionalism
  • 1916 BCE

    Yuan proclaimed emperor

    Yuan proclaimed emperor
    yuan proclaimed himself emperor of China pretty much missing the point of the rebellion of ireland
  • 1911 BCE

    Quing Dynasty failing

    Quing Dynasty failing
    the Goverment of Quing dynasty was fully overtrhown in what was called the Wu Chun Revolution selected the exiled the intellectual Sun Yat-sen to be the first president in 1912
  • 1894 BCE

    Japan Win

    Japan Win
    Menwhile in japan things where looking up after their decisive victory over the Chinese in the sino-japanese war
  • 1800 BCE

    European Merchants

    European Merchants
    the european merchants arrived in the 18 century on mass these westerners arriving were driven by fiscal interests .
  • 1600 BCE

    Quing Dynasty

    Quing Dynasty
    Loosely reigned over China as it plagued by regionalism and Corruption to make matters worse