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Chinese Revolution

  • Xinhai Revolution

    Xinhai Revolution
    Revolutions that took place in 1911, which were violent conflicts that led to the formation of the Republic of China and the end of the Qing Dynasty.
  • Sun Yat Sen for President

    Sun Yat Sen for President
    Sun Yat Sen was declared president of a provisional republic.
  • Guomindang Reform

    Guomindang Reform
    The Guomindang, led by Chiang Kai Shek was trying to reform the land in competition with the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Communist Party Created

    Communist Party Created
    Mao founds the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Sun Yat Sen Dies

    Sun Yat Sen Dies
    Sun Yat Sen Dies
  • Guomindang vs. Communists

    Guomindang vs. Communists
    A civil war erupted between the two because the Guomindang was mad at the communist attempt to spread communism. The U.S. supported the nationalists but at the same time Japan was invading China. The nationalist failure to win battles against the invaders swayed the public in favor of the communists.
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    The Long March

    Military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China, the forerunner of the People's Liberation Army, to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party) army.
  • Mao Leads

    Mao Leads
    Mao Leads.
  • Japanese Destroy Nanking

    Japanese Destroy Nanking
    Japan commits a mass murder and rape of Chinese citizens in their capital, causing their internation trade to stumble later on and dividing the two countries even today.
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    Yan'an Rectification Movement

    Students and intellectuals were sent to the countryside to perform physical labor.
  • People's Republic of China

    People's Republic of China
    Mao Declares the people's republic of China.
  • Chiang Retires From Presidency

    Chiang steps down from presidency, leaving his party to retreat to Taiwan.
  • Spies and Counterrevolutionaries

    Spies and Counterrevolutionaries
    28,332 people were accused of being spies or counterrevolutionaries and executed.
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    China's First 5 Year Plan

    Industry increased 121% more than projected. Inflation was kept under control. Living standards improved for urban workers and it increased to 646 million.
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    Great Leap Forward

    Mao orders homemade steel production which came out in bad quality which resulted in a food shortage killing many.
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    Cultural Revolution

    Socialism was reinforced by destroying old cultural things in China, people affiliated with the "old" were humiliated and harmed.
  • Mao Dies

    Mao Dies
    Mao Dies.