Matchmaker is Contacted
-Lily and Beautiful Moon turn 6 this year and Madame Wang, the matchmaker is contacted for the first time
-Go between-er
-Footbinding image: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=rF-gcpYgtxIsHM&tbnid=ywoUnKuI2gavGM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blu-ray.com%2Fmovies%2FSnow-Flower-and-the-Secret-Fan-Blu-ray%2F28868%2F&ei=oZdyU5_vFdSmyAT2j4GYBw&bvm=bv.66330100,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNFIIjal1AwtCldpHbltVlE0H8wViw&ust=1400105187680184 -
Period: to
Astrological Expert Reviews the Matches
-Watches the stars
-Zodiacs and horoscopes
-Date and hour of two births
-Final say -
Matchmaker Makes Match
-Beautiful Moon, Lily, and Snowflower are 11 when their matches are made
-Girls won't meet their husbands for many years
-Families begin contracting the kin image:http://pages.ucsd.edu/~dkjordan/chin/chpict/SX165-Matchmaker-small.jpg -
Groom's Family Sends Gifts to Bride's Family
-Money (silver)
-Meat (pork)
-Meant to "woo" the bride's family image; http://www.chinabridal.com/etiquette/grandgift2.jpg -
Bride's Family Sends Gifts to Groom's Family
-Acceptance image:http://www.leknot.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/2-Dowry-Set3.jpg -
Period: to
Families Meet Face to Face
-If marriage is approved by astrologist
-Discuss a date and bride price
-Final decisions about marriage are made -
Bride's Family Announces Wedding
-Cakes from Groom
-Happiness Cakes -
Period: to
Month of Sitting and Singing
-Gratitude for Parents
-Recall growth process
-Ease wedding fears
-Finish Dowry
-Sworn Sisters
-Cutting Hair -