Chinese Inventions

  • Period: 300 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 150 BCE


    The Chinese first made steel, which is very helpful to us. It is made from iron, and they were the first to learn how to make cast iron by melting and molding iron ore. Later they learned other ways too. Today, iron and steel making is the most important industries in China.
  • 50


    Porcelain is a type of fine pottery made by combining clay with minerals with quartz and feldspar that the Chinese invented. Over the years it has become more popular and a prized item for trade.
  • 150


    The Chinese invented the art of paper in the 2nd century. At first, they used hemp and the bark of the mulberry tree to make it, then they used rags. This became very important to them and it soon traveled through the world.
  • 650


    Printing was made by woodblock in the 7th century. By the 8th century, there was a whole industry for woodblock printing. The movable type was then created and helped many of the people and lowered the prices. Today, everything since the last century has been used by the moveable type.
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    The Development of the Mechanical Clock

    The Development of the Mechanical Clock
    The mechanical clock was made in the 8th century and was more accurate than the other timekeeping devices. It was a wheel that turned every 24 hours and dripping water made the wheel turn. Today, the modern day clocks use the same fundamentals as the Chinese did.
  • 850


    Accidentally discovered by alchemist who were looking for the secret to eternal life.
  • 850

    Paer Money

    Paer Money
    Paper money was invented after the coins and was printed with wood blocks. Over the years it became more popular and songwriters were using these. Today, paper money is the most common form of currency in the world.
  • 850

    Game Cards

    Game Cards
    Game cards were invented in the 9th century and were made by woodblock printing to make it thick. This also became popular and famous artists drew pictures on the back and today card games are played by people throughout the world.
  • Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    Rocket Technology was developed in China during the Song Dynasty, powered by black powder. At first, they were only used for fireworks, but then the Chinese deceided to use it for weapons. These principles now help us with things we explore today.