
Chinese inventions

  • 850 BCE


    Chinese alchemists looking for the secret to eternal life accidentally discovered gunpowder.
  • 850 BCE

    Game Cards

    Game Cards
    printers were used to make cards from thick paper. Artists painted designs on the cards. Cards games are still played worldwide today.
  • 750 BCE

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    the new mechanical clock was more accurate than sundials and hourglasses. The wheel dripped water made the wheel turn. Sounds likes drums and chimes let people know what time it was.
  • Period: 300 BCE to Jan 1, 1400


  • 250 BCE


    they figured out that the stone, lodestone, was influenced by the magnetic field. Later they used a more accurate steel needle.
  • 200 BCE


    This very useful metal was made first by the Chinese. They were made from cast iron, made by melting and molding iron ore. By chemical reaction, they found out how to make a metal stronger than iron.
  • 150 BCE

    Improved Ships

    Improved Ships
    China improved their ships by making several compartments. That was much more stable and reduced the ability to sink.
  • 50


    Porcelain was a type of pottery. It was made of clay made of quartz and feldspar, baked at very high temperatures. They were beautifully made and were a prized trade item.
  • 150

    Disease Prevention (Medicine)

    Disease Prevention (Medicine)
    To fight off disease when someone was sick, the Chinese burned chemicals that they thought would fight it off. They used disinfectant, and hot temperatures to fight off disease, like we still do today.
  • 618

    Arched Bridges

    Arched Bridges
    Unlike Roman bridges, these bridges used a half circle. This bridge was easier to make, and was stronger. They were broader and flatter than before.