
Chinese Inventions and Innovations

  • 100


    1: The abacus was invented by the chinese in 100AD.
    2: The rods of the abacus are seperated into upper and lower parts by a crossbar.
    3: This instrument helped the chinese add, subtract, multiply and divide with remarkable speed.
  • Period: 100 to

    Chinese Inventions

  • 200


    1: Around 200 AD, Chinese scientists discovered that an explosive mixture could be produced by combining sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter potassium nitrate.

    2: The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes.They attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas.
    3:It was used for fireworks but gradually was used in war.
  • 500

    Magnetic compass

    Magnetic compass
    1: 500 BC, Chinese scientists had studied and learned much about magnetism in nature.Compasses were first used in Feng Shui, the layout of buildings.
    2: Scientists learned to make magnets by heating pieces of ore to red hot temperatures and then cooling the pieces in a North/South position.
    3: Navigational compasses were used on Chinese ships, enabling them to navigate without stars in view.The magnetic compass remains an essential navigational tool today.
  • Aug 20, 600

    Canals & Locks

    Canals & Locks
    1: Imperial China's construction of waterways to connect different parts of its territory produced some of the world's greatest water engineering projects.
    2: Construction of the first Grand Canal began in the early 600's to connect the Yellow River in the north with the Yangzi River in the south. The project lasted for many centuries as it was constantly enlarged and repaired.
    3: This invention allowed boats to travel farther inland. Today locks are used in places like Niagara Falls.
  • May 16, 725

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    1:One of the greatest inventions of the medieval world was the mechanical clock. It was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk, in 725AD.
    2: This clock operated by dripping water that powered a wheel which made one full revolution in 24 hours. An iron and bronze system of wheels and gears made the clock turn. This system caused the chiming of a bell on the hour.
    3: These mechanical clocks were used to meausre the pasage of time.
  • Nov 9, 1035

    Spinning Wheel

    Spinning Wheel
    1: Chinese developed the spinning wheel in 1035BC.
    2:This simple circular machine, easily operated by one person, could wind fine fibers of silk into thread. The invention used a wheel to stretch and align the fibers.
    3:Italians who traveled to China during the Mongol dynasty brought the invention to Europe in the 14th century.
  • Writing

    1: A group of ancient tombs were discovered in recent years in Shandong Province which date back 4,500 years. By 1700 BC, symbols were carved on oracle bones and tortoise shells.
    2:1200 BC Chinese writing was already a highly developed writing system that was used to record a language fairly similar to Chinese. In 1000 BC the first book was produced.

    3: By inventing writing so early in their history, the Chinese preserved a record of their history and learning.
  • Paper Money

    Paper Money
    1: The chinese invented paper money in the 9th century.
    2:Paper money was quickly adopted by the government for forwarding tax payments. In 1024 the government took over the printing of paper money and used it as a medium of exchange backed by deposited cash.
    3: The first Muslim bankers used a checking system by the 1200's, followed by Italian bankers in the 1400's. Paper money is the most common form of currency around the world. Paper money is used for buying your everyday needs and wants.