
Chinese Imperialism: The Opium Wars

  • Founding of the East Indai Company

    Founding of the East Indai Company
    Formed by the British, focused on trading with the East Indies. Traded tea, cotton, salt, and opium.
  • Opium-Tobacco MIx Introduced int China

    Opium-Tobacco MIx Introduced int China
    Dutch intrduced the mix to China
  • Opium as a cash crop

    Opium as a cash crop
    British used opium as a cash crop for the Chinese
  • Ban of Opium

    Ban of Opium
    Opium addicts increase in China. Qing Court prohibits all inports of opium plants and openly burns 1.2 million Kgs of opium.
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    Qing Empire vz. Britain, France, United States, and Russia. China declared a war on the dug and the British continued to smuggle in to China. The Birtish won with a loss of 69 men and China lost 25,000 men in the war.
  • Hong Kong becomes a British colony

    Hong Kong becomes a British colony
    Treaty of Nanjing opened the ports of Shanghai.
  • Start of the Second Opiium War

    Start of the Second Opiium War
    British and French diplomats were refused entry into Beijing.
  • Seond Opium War

    Seond Opium War
    The luding of the Qing Imperial Palace. The British won the war.
  • Collapse Of Qing Empire

    Collapse Of Qing Empire
    Empire collapses and establishment of the Republic of China.