Chinese immigration and The Great Migration

  • Period: to

    Angel Island

    Angel Island was the entrance to the United States for the Chinese. They faced strict immigration laws like; physical exams, they were questioned about their background etc..
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion act was passed by congress and signed by president Chester A. Arthur.
    This was important to the chinese.
    The Chinese Exclusion Act only let in a few chinese workers.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act Expired

    This event effected the Chinese.
    This was the expiration of the chinese exclusion act which then brought the geary act.
  • Geary Act

    The Chinese Exclusion act expired in 1892, so congress extended it for 10 years in the form of the Geary Act.
    The Geary Act was important to the Chinese.
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    African American movement.

    About 5,000,000 blacks left the south for northern and western cities.African Amercians wanted escape oppressive economic conditions in the south. The south offered little chance of advancement.
  • Immigration Act.

    Immigration Act.
    Allowed individuals from third world countries to enter the US.( Central America, South America, Africa, and parts of Asia.)