Chinese immigration and African-American Emigration

  • The Chinese Exvlusion Act

    In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act which was an act that provided an absolute 10-year law on the rules of Chinese labor immigration. The 1st major law restricting immigration into the Uniteed States. This act not only affected the Chinese people who were entering the United States for the first time, but it also affected the people who had already lived here. They had to have certificatios to re-enter, and had to be granted citizenship.
  • The Geary Act

    The exclusion act exprierd in 1882, then Congress extended it 10 more years, which formed the Geary Act. The Geary Act was made permanent n 1902. The Geary Act made restrictios that required all the Chinese resisdents to register and have a certificate of residece. Without one of the certificate, they were deported.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration was the movement of around five million southern blacks to the north and west. Many of the major northern cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh,and New York were the place many people migrated to. When World War 2 had started, many people started to move west to places such as Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.
  • Repealing all exclusion acts

    In 1943, the United States Congress repealed all of the exclusion acts, with a limit per year of 105 Chinese and gave foregin-born Chinese the ability/right to seek naturalization
  • Maximum Immigrants

    On July 1st, 1968 there was a set limit of immigrants allowed into the United States. Only 170,000 immigrants from outside the Western Hemisphere could enter the United Stats and a maximum of 20,000 from a single country. In order to be admitted into the United States, you needed to have the skills and the need for political asylum.
  • The Immigration Act of 1990

    The Immigration Act of 1990 established a flixible worldwide cap on visas (family-based, eployment-based and diversity immigration). This act provides that visas for any one foreign state in each of the catergories may not have more 7% of all.