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Chinese immigration

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    Exclusion era

    'Immigrants from China began arriving en masse in the United States in the wake of the Gold Rush. Some worked as miners; others got jobs on farms, in textile factories, or building the transcontinental railroad"
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    Page act

    "In 1875, Congress passed the Page Act, which blocked entry to Chinese, Japanese and other Asian laborers brought involuntarily to the United States, as well as Asian women brought for the purposes of prostitution."
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    Chinese exclusion act

    "The Page Act was followed by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which barred Chinese laborers from coming to the United States, limited immigration to those who already had relatives living in the country and prevented Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens."
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    Chinese threat

    "Due to the growing strength of the eugenics movement—which feared the “contamination” of the white race by other races or ethnicity—Chinese immigrants were seen as a much greater threat than those from Ireland or Germany."
  • Chinese immigration beginning

    Chinese immigration beginning
    "In January 1910, over the late objections of Chinese community leaders, this hastily built immigration station was opened on the northeastern edge of Angel Island, ready to receive its first guests." History of angel island immigration station: Angel island immigration station - san francisco. AIISF. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2022, from,to%20receive%20its%20first%20guests.
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    Angel island burn down

    "In August 1940, a fire destroyed the main administration building on Angel Island, and the processing of immigrants was moved to the mainland"
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    Chinese exclusion act revoke

    "Congress repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943, but continued to limit immigration from China to just 105 people per year until passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965."
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    "Abandoned after the war, the buildings deteriorated until the 1970s" After world war 2 which ended 1940 and angle island went through i big fire it got abandon till the 1970s
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    Chinese poems

    " when the discovery of more than 200 poems in Chinese etched into the walls by long-ago immigrants inspired efforts to preserve Angel Island and commemorate its role in the history of Pacific immigration" These poems helped kinda show the Chinese peoples life.
  • Angel Island

    "The Angel Island Immigration Station, declared a National Historic Landmark in 1997, was later renovated and opened to the public as a California state park."