Chinese History Timeline

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    Taiping Rebellion

    the taiping Rebebllion was a group of people made up of the poor and the outcast from china that tryed to gain power and tak e over the country. but over the next 14 years the goup was brutaly murdered to the point that there were no more of the grup left. there were then 20 million people were killed.
  • Wuchang Uprising

    Wuchang Uprising
    this was one of the mainy unprising that happened in china, but this was one of the last. this was the revalution that lead to the end of china and statred it to as we kmnow it today.
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    Northern Expedition

    this is the rise of conunisum in china. were the leaders in the sovet union helped for then to be taken.
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    Mukden Incident

    this is a fight that was staged. this was a fight that was set up by japan to kill china more. they killed one of there own trains so that they could fram china and kill them for it.
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    Long March

    this was a masive match over to the notrth of china made by the comunest to exscape the grip of the millitary.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    this was the war between china and japan. this was a slatur fest of just death . japan realy hatted the chnies they realy wanted them dead.
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    Nanking Massacre

    this was a slaughter of chines people. Though just a short time Thoughts were killed all killed in horible ways. shot cut up. or evern beheaded. the japanies were ruthless agenst the chines.
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    Great Leap Forward

    this was were china trided to cach up with the rest of the worlds industru they did this by working there people to death.
  • Founding Date of the Republic of China

    Founding Date of the Republic of China
    this was the start of the comunest china. the people were given power and the young people of china toke apart all over . they alo gave one man there leader there love and aserations. they became red china.
  • Chinese Nationalists move Capital to Taiwan

    this was a moving the campetal to a new place so that the peoples contral over china coudl be heald for longer from the comumist people.
  • Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet

    Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet
    this was when the little red book that you see all of the people of china hold c=lose is from, this book hold thing to do and rules and thing to find peace.
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    Cultural Revolution

    This was the coultral chang were china becaome comunest by feeding the young new generation about this new way of equality to give them power witch started the red grueard of china. this was how he was able to take power so fast.
  • The May 16 Notification

    This was chinas push for industry they push the people to the point of death by trying to inress the econaomy 19% for 5 years. this killed millons of people from being worked to hard for to long. this was chinas try at doing better then USSR.
  • People's Republic of China admitted to UN

    For a long time the comunest leaders were not reconised as the leaders of china it to the un it was the peoples republic.
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    Nixon visits China

    this was a sigh of good relations betweeen the contrys to show that there are no f=more hatred and that we can becaome friends. this is the reson why wee trade alot know and the reason we buy everything from china.
  • One Child Policy Instituted

    One Child Policy Instituted
    this was the start of the atemp to slitly reduse the massive population iof china so thay they were not geting killed just for the amout of people that liver around them. so to fix this they set that evry one can onely have one kid.
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    Tiananmen Square protests

    this was a protest from the younth and otheres of china that all gathereing in the Tiananamen Spuare to protest for more freedons and to ahve more food.
  • Building of the Three Gorges Dam

    Building of the Three Gorges Dam
  • Hong Kong Returned to China

    this was were china got back contole of one of there largest cites hong kong. this city had been controled by britten for a verly long time and in 1997 china gets it back.
  • Hainan Island incident

    becaose of a plain isedent that cased the death ao f one of the Peapleas republecs people when the plan landed the 24 people were talken captive.
  • Gang of Four arrested

    Gang of Four arrested
    this was the murder of Four of chinas powerful older leaders that were agenst the new ways of china. they were all killed for not going with what the new people wanted.