Chinese History

  • 2700 BCE


    Tea was made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water—was drunk mostly as medicine.
  • 150

    Started Building Safer Boats

    Started Building Safer Boats
    They started building ships with separate, watertight compartments.
  • 150

    They Made Paper

    They Made Paper
    Made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree.
  • 650

    Started Printing

    Started Printing
    Used a machine that carved the letters into wood.
  • 750

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    It was made from a wheel that made one complete turn every 24 hours. Dripping water made the wheel turn.
  • 850


    Chinese alchemists accidentally created gunpowder when trying to find a way to live forever.
  • 850

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    The designs were stamped on by wooden blocks.
  • 950


    They started to create weapons after gunpowder was discovered.
  • 1300

    Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    First, rockets were used only in fireworks. Later, the
    Chinese used them as weapons. They even developed a two-stage rocket for their armies. The first stage propelled the
    rocket through the air. The second stage dropped arrows down on the enemy.
  • 1500

    Movable Type

    Movable Type
    A printer that has separate blocks for each character.