Chinese history

  • The Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty
    was the final dynasty of the Chinese Empire, The Qingwere ethnic Manchus of The Aisin Gioro clan, form the northern Chinese region of Manchuria
  • The opium war

    The opium war
    This war was fought between the Uk and the Qing empire in both wars the qing dynasty ruled and gained some territory
  • The Tai Ping Rebellion

    The Tai Ping Rebellion
    The rebellion beagna under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan influenced by chritian Teaching had series of visions and believed himself to be the son of god
  • Internal crisis

    Internal crisis
    Guang Xu want to established a new reform in China and also he intented modernized governments
  • Open door policy

    Open door policy
    China began to separated into groups beacuse other countries started being influenced by China
  • The boxer rebellion

    The boxer rebellion
    the boxer rebellion was an anti-foreign uprising which took place in China after the Qing dynasty was motivated by and opposition to imperialist expansion
  • Sun Yat sen and the revolution

    Sun Yat sen and the revolution
    The revolutionary alliancereplace the rule of the Qing with the republican government and was the end of the imperialist system