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Chinese History

  • 2700 BCE


    Before tea had become termendouly as a everyday drink, tea was only drank by the sick. but it grew more common and now tea house are everyware through out the country. alothough tea has become more popular the recipe has not changed much sinse when it was discoverd. the cycle of making tea is growing tea trees , picking them and then letting the tree grow for the next harvest letting them dry out . repeat tea soon was in every country and it is now one of the most popular beverages.
  • 110

    Magnetic Compass

    Magnetic Compass
    A magnetic compass points one end north and the other end south. This occurs becauseinside the magnetic compass is a magnetized needle that places itself with the earths magnetic poles. The chinese used this to direct themselves on long voyages.
  • 600

    paddle wheel powerd boat

    paddle wheel powerd boat
    the paddle wheel boat is powered by oxygen, and helps the chinese transpertation progess a lot easier, and the maneuver eaier. this boat style is still used for a recreational activites.
  • 718

    segmental arch bridge

    segmental arch bridge
    the smaller arches or a circle, holding a bridg. this causes the bridge to be broader and flatter than other types of bridges and arches, and the bridge uses less material to build. but was stronger than others.
  • 850


    chinese alcumist looking for a stubstance that would allow you to live forever adcidentaly create gun powder
  • 1092

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    The chinese developed the first mechanical clock in about the 8th century. the new clock was more accurate than earlier timekeeping devises, such as sundials and hourglasses.
  • 1300

    paper money

    paper money
    Printers used woodback printing to make the cards from thicker paper.famous artist drew the desings that appeared on the backs of the cards.
  • Paper Making

    Paper Making
    The chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century C.E. The earilest chinese paper was probably made from the hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree.
  • Porcelain

    It is a fine peice of pottery and historians think that chinese produced the first peice of porcelain