Chinese history

By wa.maxx
  • 2700 BCE


    The Chinese originally made tea by letting tea leaves steep in water. They drank tea as medicine for several thousand years. By the 8th century tea became a everyday beverage all throughout China.
  • 400 BCE

    Improvment in travel by sea/compass

    Improvment in travel by sea/compass
    The chinese developed the first as early as the 3rd century B.C.E. They were made up of mineral called lodestone. This helped the chinese with there sea travel.
  • 200 BCE


    Steel was a vey helpful and useful metal. The Chinese first made steel out of iron. It is less brittle and more easier than iron. The earliest iron that was made by the Chinese was made from cast iron.
  • 50

    Medicince and disease prevention

    Medicince and disease prevention
    Before the 1st century C.E. the Chinese developed a way to fight infections and disease. Whenever somebody died with a dieses the Chinese would burn a chemical that gave a poisonous smoke.
  • 150


    The chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century C.E. The earliest chinese paper was probably made from hemp and than bark of the mullberry tree.
  • 650


    In about the 7th century, the Chinese invented a technique called wood block printing. The printer would draw character on paper than when it was done the Chinese would place the paper on a block of wood and it would dry and print the characters.
  • 700

    Bridge improvement

    Bridge improvement
    The Chinese improved bridges in 618 C.E. A Chinese engineer created a new design for bridges. This design is the arched bridge which most bridges, in China, are like nowadays.
  • 850


    Chinese alchemists acceidently discovered gunpowder when trying to find a substance that would make human immortals.
  • 1300

    Rocket Technology

    Rocket Technology
    The used gun powder to make fireworks and than they turned them into weapons and went up high and they dropped the arrows down.