Chinese Events that Influenced Literature Timeline

  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Succeeded greatly in the arts of making cloth from silk and bronze working.
  • Period: 1050 BCE to 221 BCE

    Chou Dynasty

    Established feudalism.
  • Period: 960 BCE to 1279 BCE

    Sung Dynasty

    Literature, calligraphy and painting flourished. Moving type and paper money and the use of the magnetic compass for sailing had been invented in this era.
  • Period: 618 BCE to 907 BCE

    T'ang Dynasty

    Promoted foreign trade and improvements in agriculture
  • Period: 221 BCE to 207

    Ch'in Dynasty

    Built extensive network of of roads.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Opened up the Silk Roads to most of Asia, India all the way to Rome.