1600 BCE
Shang Dynasty: Events
The Shang Dynasty developed many cultural behaviors and believes. It established an ordered society. -
Period: 1600 BCE to 1045 BCE
Shang Dynasty
Many cultures and believes. -
1045 BCE
Zhou Dynasty: Events
This dynasty starts and goes for more than 800 years. It established a central government and the king only ruled the time the gods decided. -
Period: 1045 BCE to 259 BCE
Zhou Dynasty
Central government and limited time for an emperator to rule. -
475 BCE
Zhou Dynasty: Warring States
They fought amoung their selfes. In 475 B.C, Waring States period starts. Zhou king is overthrone. -
Period: 259 BCE to 209 BCE
Qin Dynasty
Shi Huangdi as emperator. -
250 BCE
Qin Dynasty: Shi Huangdi
In 259 to 250 B.C, Shi Huangdi becomes the first emperor. He unified the country and bases his government on legalist ideas. He built the Great Wall to protect the northern border of China. Also, he built the Terracotta Warriors to protect him in the after life. He was killed in 210 B.C. The Terracotta Wariors wer for his tomb. -
209 BCE
Han Dynasty: Liu Bang
In 209 B.C, Liu Bang tooks power and creates the Han Dynasty. He lower taxes, but he put people to work on building projects. The ruler established the government based on a bureaucracy. He included his wife on the government. -
Period: 209 BCE to 220
Han Dynasty
Liu Bang, his son, and Wudi as emperors. -
180 BCE
Han Dynasty: Liu Bang's Son
Liu Bang is replaced by his son. Then, his son dies in 180 B.C. -
141 BCE
Han Dynasty: Wudi
The new emperor, Wudi, uses military forces to conquest and expand the empire's boundarys.