Chinese dynasties

  • 2100 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
  • Period: 2100 BCE to 1600 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    G: Use of stone tools
    Irrigation technology improved
    RA: Believed in spirits but then later grew into buddhist religion
    P: Yu The Great the first emperor
    E: Agriculture, pasturing started
    S: kings, nobels, peasants, craftsmen, labor workers, slaves
  • 1600 BCE

    shang dynasty

    shang dynasty
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    earliest writing in Chinese history, Cheng Tang defeated king Jie of Xia , They also developed bronze for religion items and weapons, government collected taxes from the people
  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Iron was being started to be used, religions of this dynasty were confiscation and Taoism, Introduces mandate of Heaven, Wen Wang was a powerful leader
  • 221 BCE


  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE


    Zheng was a very young king took control over the kingdom when his father died, established common currency, Divided country to 36 administrative units, reformed writing
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty

    how the dynasty stared was by the peasant revolt against the Qin Dynasty Liu Bang wad the founder Han dynasty, invented paper and was able to keep record,also was advanced in medicine
  • 220

    six dynasty period

    six dynasty period
  • Period: 220 to 589

    Six Dynasties periods

    Three kingdoms, Jin dynasty, Northern and southern dynasty, Liu Bei and Sun Quan teamed up against Cao Cao, landscaping paintings popular during the jin dynasty
  • 581

    Sui Dynasty

    Sui Dynasty
  • Period: 581 to 618

    Sui Dynasty

    Emperor Wen was a strong leader, their culture was Buddhism, Wen set up 3 departments of the government Chancellery, the Secretariat, and the Department of State Affairs
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
  • Period: 618 to 906

    Tang Dynasty

    Li Yuan served as a prime minister until the king died and declared him as king, during this dynasty woodblock printing was invented, The Tang dynasty had many regions but buddhism was the most popular
  • 907

    5 dynasty period

    5 dynasty period
  • Period: 907 to 960

    Five dynasties period

    The dynasty had 5 empires and 10 states involved, their were taxes wars between the groups, but the war was later survived and a surplus of gun powder was made
  • 960

    Sung Dynasty

    Sung Dynasty
  • Period: 960 to 1279

    Sung Dynasty

    Emperor Taizu reunited china and picked scholars to run the military, gun powder was created in this dynasty,arts were popular during this time, the sung dynasty was divided up into two dynasties
  • 1279

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan Dynasty
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Yaun Dynasty

    Kublai khan defeated northern and southern sung dynasty, the Yaun dynasty supported transportation and arts, Kublai also allowed free religion
  • 1338

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
  • Period: 1338 to

    Ming Dynasty

    The ming dynasty stared when the chinese people started to realize that mongols were the enemy so they overthrew the Yaun dynasty, The Great wall of china was being made during the dynasty, the government was civil service where the men who got the highest score on an exam would get good jobs
  • Qing

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    The Qing dynasty was ruled by a 5 yr old boy named
    manchu, they restored the Ming government civil service, the dynasty had 3 main philosophies confucianism, buddhism, and taoism
  • Period: to

    Republic period

    Sun Yat Sen was the first president, took up after Japan and followed their way
  • Period: to

    Peoples republic of china

    Is a communist party, the beginning of this era religious beliefs were discouraged, but later on people had the right of the freedom of religion but with restrictions