Chinese Dynasty

  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

  • 1499 BCE

    Created first imperial government

    The rise to power creating the first imperial government
  • 1499 BCE

    Mandate of heaven concept

    The Shang family claimed to be sent from heaven with the divine authority to rule China.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 400 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

  • 1100 BCE

    Learned to wear trousers

    Learned to wear trousers from northern nomads.
  • 1100 BCE


    Expand Chinese territory by conquering Yangzi River Valley.
  • 500 BCE

    Beginning of the " Period of one-hundred philosophers"

    Multiple philosopher began to gain followers and power.
  • 500 BCE

    One nation, One language

    Most people begin primarily speaking Mandarin resulting in the only civilization where most people speak the same language.
  • 400 BCE

    Qin Huangdi becomes first emperor of China

    Qin becomes first ruler of china to become the official emperor
  • Period: 400 BCE to 200 BCE

    Qin dynasty

  • 300 BCE

    Low point in religion/education

    Emperor Qin Huangdi discourages religion and learning.
  • 220 BCE

    Great wall is completed

    The great wall (walls) of china are completed.
  • 210 BCE

    standardize coins/weights

    China establishes a standard coin and weight system
  • Period: 200 BCE to 200


  • 50

    STart to trade with other civilizations

    After emperor Han makes contact with rulers in the middle east China starts trading outside their own country for the first time
  • 100

    Rise in religion and education

    Emperor Han supported religion an education.
  • Period: 400 to 600

    Sui Dynasty

  • 450

    great wall is erected

    The wall is repaired and expanded
  • 590

    The great canal

    The grand canal was Built from the Yellow river to Bejing
  • Period: 600 to 950

    tang dynasty

  • 635

    First christian church built

    Emperor Taizong allows first christian church
  • 750

    Rebellion of Lu shan

    The rebellion of Lu Shan forces Xuanzong to flee the palace.
  • 850

    All foreign religions suppressed

    Lu-shan rises to power and abolishes outside religions and takes all the churches wealth.
  • Period: 950 to 1300

    Song dynasty

  • 1000

    printing developed

    printing developed and increased education and literacy
  • 1100

    Invaded by the Jin dynasty

    Nomadic invaders known as the Jurchen and manchuria, calling themselves the jin dynasty
  • 1230

    First explosive weapons used

    Explosive weapons were used to fight mongol invaders
  • 1300

    Bejing named capital of china

    Emperor Kublai names Bejing capital of china.
  • Period: 1300 to 1400

    yuan dynasty

  • 1350

    Warring with Japan

    Emperor Kublai sends fleets to japan
  • Period: 1400 to

    Ming dynasty

  • Period: to

    Qing dynasty

  • Mandatory hair style

    Men were required to wear the Manchu hair style
  • Taiping rebellion

    A Christian convert claiming to be the brother of Jesus gains followers and tries to overthrow the government.