Chinese Dynasty

  • 100

    The Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty
  • Period: 100 to 220

    The Han Dynasty

    They were called the era of disunity. They helped build the great wall of China. They expanded the West.
  • Jan 1, 1271

    The Mongols Dynasty

    The Mongols Dynasty
    1271-1368 AD
  • Period: Jan 1, 1271 to Jan 2, 1368

    The Mongols Dynasty (Yuan)

    They ruled without changing how the other dynastys previously ruled. They were one of the largest empires.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    The Ming Dynasty

    The Ming Dynasty
  • Period: Jan 1, 1368 to

    The Ming Dynasty

    There were long wars and many rebellions which lead to their rule.
  • The Manchu/Qing Dynasty

    The Manchu/Qing Dynasty
    1644-1912 AD
  • Period: to

    The Manchu/Qing Dynasty

    They implented their culture beliefs in almost everything to keep a strong influence.
  • Great Britain and Western Pressures on China

    Great Britain and Western Pressures on China
    Western Imperialists started putting intense pressure on China and did it with force because they were stronger.
  • Period: to

    Great Britain and Western Pressures on China

    China experienced intense Western Imperial pressure backed by military forces which were stronger than theirs.
  • Period: to

    The Taiping

    The Taiping Rebellion was a massive civil war in southern China against the Manchu/Qing Dynasty
  • The Boxer Rebellions

    The Boxer Rebellions
    Took place in China towards the end of the Qing dynasty, they eventually won.
  • The Song Dynasty

    The Song Dynasty
    960-1279 AD
  • The Sui/Tang Dynasty

    The Sui/Tang Dynasty
    581-617 AD
  • Period: to Jan 2, 617


    Built the Grand-Canal- shipping route, was the golden age of literature
  • Period: to Jan 2, 1279

    The Song Dynasty

    They valued the universal man. They believed in 'good times for a better culture'.