Chinese Discoveries & Inventions

  • Period: 3000 BCE to

    Chinese Discoveries & Inventions

  • 200 BCE


    Steel is a very useful metal. Steel is made from iron and the Chinese were the first to learn to make iron. And then made steel which is stronger than iron.INDUSTRY
  • 50


    Porcelain is a fine pottery material. The Chinese are believed to make the first porcelain and by the 10th century the Chinese are able to paint on the porcelain. INDUSTRY
  • 150


    The Chinese invented the art of paper making. The earliest Chinese paper was probably made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree. Later, the Chinese used rags.INDUSTRY
  • Feb 14, 750

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    This clock was more accurate and dripping water made the wheel turn.They had a bell ring to indicate that its the top of the hour. Later on they developed hands and arms.EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • Feb 14, 800

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    They printed with wood blocks. By 1107 the Song printers multiple wood blocks to make bills. EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • Feb 14, 850

    Gun Powder

    Gun Powder
    Discovered accidentally by alchemists who were working with saltpeter looking for the secret of eternal life. Military Technology
  • Feb 14, 850

    Game Cards

    Game Cards
    They used woodblock printing to make the cards from thick paper. Artists design the back of the cards.EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • Feb 14, 950


    This was the first weapon that used gun powder. It had gun powder mixed with oil. Used them to spray enemies with with a stream of fire. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY
  • Feb 14, 1250

    Artillery shells

    Artillery shells
    Exploded after being hurled by a catapult. The sound confused the enemies and scared their horses. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY