Chinese discoveries and inventions

chinese discoveries

  • 250 BCE

    Improving there water transportation resorces

    Improving there water transportation resorces
    The Chinese developed the first
    compass as early as the 3rd century B.C.E. The first
    Chinese compasses were pieces of a magnetic mineral
    called lodestone. Earth itself is like a giant magnet with
    north and south poles.
  • 200 BCE


    The Chinese first made steel, a very useful metal, before 200 B.C.E. Steel is made from iron, but it is less brittle than iron and easier to bend into different shapes.
  • 50


    Another Chinese invention is a type of fine pottery called porcelain.
  • 150


    The Chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century C.E. The earliest Chinese paper was
    of the mulberry tree.
  • 450

    Improving Travel on Rivers

    Improving Travel on Rivers
    Within China, people often traveled by boat on rivers or across lakes. An innovation of a vessel called a paddlewheel boat made this type of travel must faster.
  • 650


    The invention of paper made another key
    development possible: printing.
  • 750


    We know from written accounts that the Chinese have been drinking tea since at least 2700 B.C. For several
    thousand years, tea—made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water—was drunk mostly as medicine.
  • 750

    The Development of the Mechanical Clock

    The Development of the Mechanical Clock
    The Chinese developed the first mechanical clock in about the 8th
    century. The new clock was more accurate than earlier timekeeping devices, such as sundials and hourglasses. The Chinese devised a wheel that made one complete turn every 24 hours.
  • 850


    The Chinese who first made gunpowder were alchemists, people who practiced a blend of science and magic known as alchemy. Alchemists experimented with mixtures of natural ingredients, trying
    to find a substance that might allow people to live forever.
  • 1300


    Rocket technology was developed in China during the Song dynasty. Rockets were powered by a black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were used only in fireworks.