Boxer Rebellion
Treaty of Peking Signed
After Boxer's Revellion -
Collapse of the Manchu Dynasty
China Joins U.P.U
U,P,U = Universal Postal Union -
New Culture Movement
Chinese Communist Party Founded
Chinese Civil War
China Floods
Japan starts to invade China
this would last for a long time until around 1945 -
Founding of The People's Republic of China
Ban on arranged Marraiges and polygamy
China sides with North Korea during the Korean War
Anti-Rightist Movement
Mao puts a ban on religious practice
through 1976 -
Cultural Revoltuion Starts
Jurisdiction doesn't really exist during the cultural revolution
through 1976 -
Beijing gets a subway system
Fast pace public transportation was needed and China continued to follow the people's needs -
Long March rocket
the first satellite launch - picture credit from Wikipedia -
Richard Nixon visits
They find they both want to be more normalized and work together -
Beijing Spring
China forces to have some economic reforms
First Open Criticism of Mao
China issues the One-Child Policy
Chinese Open-Door Policy
Let's them open relations with other countries -
Martial Law was enforced in some areas due to riots
First McDonald's in Beijing
Russia and China Become Allies
Nato bombs Chinese embassay in Belgrade
Creates tension -
Summer Olympics are held in Beijing