Chinese Communism.

  • the boxer rebellion

    Many Chinese began to feel the same. It was believed that the Europeans were driving China’s domestic and foreign policy and that the situation was getting out of control. By the end of the Nineteenth Century, a strong sense of nationalism swept over China and many wanted to reclaim China for the Chinese. In 1898, these feelings boiled over into rebellion.
  • overthrough of last chinese emperor

  • Mao Zedong's Communist party gains support from peasents

  • jiang jieshi defeats Mao's communist and comunist flee in "the long March

    hail hitler
  • japan invades china in WWII

  • casues of Chinas Cold War

    American fear of communist attack
    Truman’s dislike of Stalin
    USSR’s fear of the American's atomic bomb
    USSR’s dislike of capitalism
    USSR’s actions in the Soviet zone of Germany
    America’s refusal to share nuclear secrets
    USSR’s expansion west into Eastern Europe + broken election promises
    USSR’s fear of American attack
    USSR’s need for a secure western border
    USSR’s aim of spreading world communism
    This feeling of suspicion lead to mutual distrust and this did a great deal to deppen the cold war
  • communits party sizes control of china