
Chinese Civil War causes

  • Overthrow of the Manchu dynasty

    Overthrow of the Manchu dynasty
    China was ruled by the Manchu Dynasty for almost 200 years but what would come to be the Double tenth revolution the Prince Pu Yi abdicated and the dynasty was seized. Most of China´s provinces declared themselves independent.
  • Sun Yixian Presidency

    Sun Yixian Presidency
    The intelectual founder of the GMD (one of the two factions fighting during the civil war) He made the three main principles; Nationalism, Democracy and the People´s Livelihood. He was not able to consolidate his power throught the whole Empire, he died in 1916.
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    When Yixian died every province followed their own political/militar leader, this was known as the Warlord Era. Many of the peasants and workers were forced to enlist and the war taxation rised, the chineses people were living the worst conditions possible.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    This is one of the most important causes of the Chinese Civil War, fristly because it was organized by intellectuals and young students. The arised began when China accepted the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, the nationalist sentiment increased. This movement also wanted a modernized and instrialized nation.
  • The creation of the CCP

    The creation of the CCP
    The Chinese Communist Party would become one of the most relevant parties in Chinese history, with the help of the Soviets. It was mainly made up of intellectuals but by that time it did not have any military power.
  • United Front

    The GMD and the CPP were able to put aside their ideological differences to create an united front against the Western Imperialist Power and the Warlords. Mao Zeodong and Jiang Jeishi decided their parties to free China from the Warlord Era.
  • Northern Expedition

    Northern Expedition
    The Southern provinces were under the influence of the United Front but the Northern regions were still controlled by the Warlords, with the help of Jiang Jieshi militar knowledge the expedition took Hangzhou, Shangai, Nanjing and Beijing by 1928.
  • The White Terror

    The White Terror
    When the United Front defeated the warlords the alliance began to crackle, there were ideological differences between the GMD and CPP. Jieshi feared the communist popularity and began to kill all of the communist sympathisants within his party.
  • The purification movement

    The purification movement
    The GMD continued the "White Terror" practices but with the civilians, Jieshi masacred thousands of communists, trade unions leaders and peasants. 250,000 people were killed by the purification movement
  • The CCP retreat

    The CCP retreat
    After the purification movement the CCP was almost crushed and the communist were forced to retreat into the Jiangsi mountains were the left ideologies were preached. The Civil War had began.