The creation of the Jiangxi Soviet
The Jiangxi Soviet was the territory where the CCP fled in order to avoid total annihilation by the GMD. This was where Mao began his idelogical campaign by education peasants in the philosphpy communism. -
Five Encirclement Campaigns
Jiang Jieshi aimed to destroy the CCP and the Jiangxi Soviet. In order to do this, he planned to cut off the Red Army's supplies and resources. -
The 28 Bolsheviks
28 Chinese students that studied in Moscow replaced Li Lisan--one of the leading members of the Communist party. They were viewed by Mao as largely inexperienced and an "erosion of his power." -
Japanese invade Manchuria
In an attempt to broaden their scope of influence, the Japanese forcibly took territory in China. This lead to the Sino-Japanese War which would inspire the Second United Front and also would allow Mao to gain more influence. -
The Long March begins
The Chinese Communist Party faced total defeat and decided the best way to fight this was to break the lines of the GMD, in order to set up another base. The CCP traveled almost 9,600 kilometers to Shaanxi in just over 368 days. This lead to the death of over 90% of the Communists. This enterprise resulted in not only the survival of the CCP but also soilified the leadership of Mao. -
Crossing the Xiang River
A conflict at the Xiang River took place which was strongly defended by the GMD. The CCP followed the command of the 28 Bolsheviks rather than reverting to the methods recommended by Mao (which include outmaneuvering the enemy through guerilla warfare). The CCP lost due to poor leadership and they were also loaded down by unneeded equipment. 50,000 men died in this battle. -
Reaching Shaanxi
After traveling 9600 Km and fighting in 15 major battles the CCP arrived at their destination. They then set up a communist base in the town of Yan'an. This was the end goal of the long march for the CCP. -
Upper Yangtze River Crossing
Mao declared that his forced march north to fight the Japanese and lead the red army towards Sichuan to meet 40,000 strong communists. The GMD destroyed the boats at the Yangtze crossing in an attempt to rout Maos forces. -
Second United Front
After the Japanese attacked Manchuria in 1931, The common turn, as well as Mao, pushed for the unification of the CCP and GDP against tthe Japanese. After Jiang was kidnapped for 13 days, the vivil war was offically suspended and a national war of resistance innitated. -
Sino-Japanese War
The Sino-Japanese war was a conflict between Japan and the United Front of China and would impact the GDP and CCP differently. The GMD did little to resist the Japanese and waited in hopes that the US would win the war for them. This lowered morale and the GMD lost peasant respect. The CCP however, continued to utilize revolutionary warfare and by March 1945 the CCP had liberated 678 out of 414 towns. In such towns, they instituted their Communist policy.The Japanese surrendered in August 1945. -
Rectification Campaigns
A series of rectification campaigns were launched by the CCP under Mao. Any deviation from the ideas of Maoism was not tolerated. Thus, any factions in the party were obliterated. For example, pro-russion idealogy. -
Yalta Conference
During the Yalta Conference, it was agreed that the USSR would invade Manchuria. The Soviets were in control when the CCP forces arrived intent on securing the industrial region. The USSR the gave the CCP large stockpiles of weapons which had been consolidated from WWII. -
Americans Support GMD
The GMD was given permission to use US aircrafts and ships in order to transport 500,000 men to Manchuria. 500,000 American troops were then sent to stabilize Beijing. Neither the US nor the USSR would proove trulely neutral. -
The initiation of the Second Phase of the Chinese Civil War
Sino-Japanese War ended and due to the Cold War, China's conflict would no longer be an internal struggle. It was now a part of the American-Soviet balance for power after World War II. However, both the Soviets and the Americans wanted a strong China and a weak Japan. Therefore, both supported a coalition government formed from the cooperation of the CCP and GDP. -
The American represenative Marshall convinced the GMD to agree to another truce. This ceasefire, however, worked in the CCP's advantage. It saved them from a final assult on thei head quarters and gave them proper time to train their forces. -
Fighting resumed
The CCP had reverted totally to guerilla warfare. The GMD managed to take the CCP capital of Yan'an. However, the CCP soon targetted the supply railways of the GMD. This was devastating to the isolated cities that the GMD controlled. -
PLA attack on the Railways junction of Xuzhou
The Nationalists were defeated and all of Northern China fell under the control of the Communists. -
Americans told Jeshi to abandon Manchuria
At this point, the two parties were evenly matched in regards to firepower. In the end, the CCP managed to take total control of Manchuria and the United States encouraged Jiang Jieshi to abandon the land in order to protect his remaining troops. -
Jiang Jieshi attempt at economic repair
During the years of GMD leadership, inflation had taken a toll on the economy of China which had terrible effects on the middle class. In an attempt to remedy this, Jieshi tried to institute a new currency and rationing began. Such reforms were introduced too late and GMD controlled areas faced economic collapse by 1949 -
Establishment of the Peoples Republic of China
The Communist Party took control of the remaining areas of China and consolidated their power. The Communist Party still controls China today. Mao became a godlike figure.