Chinese and Indian Dynasties

  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Indus River Civilization

  • Period: 1750 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Aryan Migration

  • 900 BCE


  • 500 BCE

    Buddhism, Jainism

  • Period: 324 BCE to 200 BCE

    Mauryan Empire

  • 250 BCE

    Development/Diffusion of Sanskritic culture

  • 200 BCE

    Invasions of North India

  • Period: 320 to 500

    Gupta Empire

  • Period: 455 to 528

    Invasion of Huns

  • Period: Apr 12, 650 to Apr 13, 1335

    Rajput Dynasties (North India); Regional Dynasties (South India)

  • Apr 12, 711

    Arabs take Sind

  • Period: Apr 12, 997 to Apr 13, 1027

    Raids of Mahmud of Ghazni

  • Period: Apr 12, 1192 to Apr 13, 1526

    Delhi Sultanate