Chines, Mongolian, Korean, and Japanese dynasties.

  • Xia Dynasty

    The period of the Xia dynasty was from 21st - 17th century BC. It was the first Chinese dynasty. The founder of the dynasty was King Yu. It had 17 emporers during that dynasty. People lived mainly through agriculture. Many achievements were made for that Period.
  • Shang Dynasty

    The Shang dynasty was the second Chinese dynasty after the Xia.They ruled in the Yellow River Valley and it took place between 1766 BC and 1122 BC. Shang dynasty engaged in large-scale production of bronze-ware vessels and weapons. It had a good economy.The Shang Dynasty is the oldest Chinese dynasty.
  • Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history, the actual political and military control of China by the dynasty, surnamed Ji, lasted only until 771 BC, a period known as the Western Zhou.Agriculture in the Zhou dynasty was very intensive and, in many cases, directed by the government.
  • Qin dynasty

    The Qin dynasty was the first imperial dynasty of China, lasting from 221 to 206 BC. They created astructured political power and a stable economy able to support a large military.
  • Han Dynasty

    The Han Dynasty was divided in two major periods: the Western or Former Han (206 B.C.–9 A.D.) and the Eastern or Later Han (25–220 A.D.)Confucianism officially established as basis for Chinese state by Han Wudi in 141-86 BCE.
  • Tang Dynasty

    Li Yuan and his son Li Shiman revolted against the Sui Dynasty. This was happening in 618 A.D. Li Yuan was the first Emperor then his son Li Shiman was th 2nd E mperor.
  • Genghis Khan

    They conqured Chian, and central Asia. They had military dicipline. They would trade thourogh the silk road which joined routes in Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Movment of tools, food, and ideas so cultural difusion was happening.
  • Kublai Khan

    Conquests south China in 1279 in Vietnam. Military and high governments jobs reserved for Mongolians. They had tolarance towards other religiong and vistores so they would not rebel against them. It was happening during the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Zhu Yuan Zhang

    Was a a Chinese peasant leader who organized an army. And then takes China back from Mongols. And this was happening during the Ming Dynasty. He pushes Mongols past the Great Wall and restored the civel serveses.