Industry: Paper
Papermaking became an important industry in China. For more than 500 years, the Chinese were the only people in the world who knew the secret of making paper. -
Travel: Naval improvments
The Chinese started building ships with separate, watertight compartments. Builders divided the ships into sections and sealed each section with caulk, which is a water tight material. -
Industry: Steel
The earliest Chinese steel was made from cast iron. The Chinese were the first to learn how to make cast iron by
melting and molding iron ore. Later they learned that blowing air into molten, or melted, cast iron causes a chemical
reaction that creates steel. Steel is a great deal stronger than iron. -
Period: 200 to Feb 12, 1400
Travel: Compass
Earth itself is like a giant magnet with north and south poles. The Chinese also found out that if you put a piece of lodestone on wood and float it in a bowl of water, the lodestone will turn until it points in a north-south direction. -
Travel: Wheel Paddle
People walked on a treadmill to turn the paddlewheel, which in turn moved through the water, moving the boat forward. -
Feb 19, 650
Industry: Printing
To print from the block, the printer covered the characters
with black ink. Then he spread paper over the block and
smoothed the paper with a brush. Some artists still use
block printing today to create fine art prints. -
Feb 12, 850
Military: Gun Powder
Aichemist accidently invented gun powder when they were try ti enable us to live forever. -
Feb 18, 950
Military: Flamethrower
flamethrower. Early flamethrowers contained gunpowder mixed with oil. The Chinese used them to spray enemies with a stream of fire. -
Feb 19, 1300
Military: Rocket
Rockets were powered bya black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. At first, rockets were used only in fireworks. Later, the Chinese used them as weapons.