China Timeline

  • 2070 BCE

    The Xia

    The Xia
    A mythological figure, Yu, established a group of kings called the Xia. There isn’t much evidence left behind to support the legends of Yu but scholars agree the Xia people existed and made advances over time. Xia improved methods of agriculture and may have started the use of written language. The dynasty fell around 1600 BC.
  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang was in the central plain of north China near the Yellow River. They had craft workes that were middle class then had palaces and temples for the higher class. They progressed bronze making and that also helped progressed their weapon building and that helpedthem build an army.
  • 1050 BCE

    The Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty
    Date- 1050 BC
    Zhou ruled China until about 256 BC. The Zhou didn’t create a main type of government and chose to permit territories to royal family members and their allies. The royal families were hereditary and had to pledge their loyalty. The Zhou lasted about 500 years but lost much of its initial power.
  • 600 BCE


    Buddhism came to China through Indian missionaries during the Han dynasty, after the falling of the Han many Chinese turned to Buddhism. Buddhism focused on universal charity and compassion, unlike other Chinese philosophies. Mahayana Buddhism shows the heavenly qualities of the Buddha and the Buddhists believed that he helped people escape the miseries of the world.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius teachings were known as Confucianism, this philosophy had been more influential to Chinese life than any other. Confucius taught about the importance of family, respect for ones elders and reverence for the past and ones ancestors, which formed the basis of Confucian philosophy. He wasnt a religious prophet and he had little to say about gods or religious ideas or the meaning of death and instead focused on the causes of political and social unrest
  • 475 BCE


    Legalism was centralized around politics, but unlike Confucianism, Legalist believed in power over virtue and in harsh laws. They believed people were naturally selfish and not trustworthy. Legalism strengthened dynasties, like the Qin, but destroyed them quickly believably due to the cruel laws.
  • 400 BCE


    Daoism got its name from its main idea, the Dao, who Laozi seen as a force that controlled the nature and all of nature. He taught that people should withdraw from the world and contemplate nature so that they could understand the Dao and live with it in peace. Laozi claimed that people should not try to reach material wealth and he also shunned politics. He suggests people not to seek power and instead try to bring themselves to peace by being humble.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty
    Cheng founded the dynasty and named himself as the first emperor. Qin created an autocracy where the emperor has total power. The Qin lasted only 15 years but had made several lasting changes to Chinese life. Cheng said that the founding of his dynasty made a turning point in the history of China.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    Like the Qin, Han developed a growing and focused empire, but they were more fair as rulers than the Qin. Han held power for 400 years and influential enough that some Chinese still call themselves People of Han.†Han created a civil service system to govern China. In the start, the candidates for the system were off a basis of family connections but eventually changed to exams that chose the ideal rulers. Chinas population grew to around 50 million during the Han.