
China Time Line

  • Period: to


  • The Four Modernizations

    The Four Modernizations
    This was a ten-year plan to modernize in the areas of Agriculture, Industry, National Defense, Science and Technology. This ten-year plan was to make China’s Economy stronger by the early 21st century. The main point that China did in this 10-year plan is bring electricity in the rural areas, bring in more technology to the country and they increased their military strength. By the early 21st century China wanted to be self reliant.
  • Deng Xiaoping's "Open Door" Policy

    Deng Xiaoping's "Open Door" Policy
    Before 1978 China used to only trade with USSR and it’s satellites. Deng Xiaoping's realized that china needs Western technology and investments and let more foreign businesses to come to China.
  • The Household Responsibility

    The Household Responsibility
    This action started a ten-year process from starvation to feeding 22% of the word’s population using only 7% of the world’s arable land.
  • 12 cities added to Special Economic Zones

    12 cities added to Special Economic Zones
    Starting in 1979 SEZs were established to encourage foreign firms to invest in China. One of the thing SEZs did is tax exemption. The 14 cities added in 1984 were:1. Dalian2. Qinhuangdao3. Tianjin4. Yantai5. Qingdao6. Lianyungang7. Nantong8. Shanghai9. Ningbo10. Wenzhou11. Fuzhou12. Guangzhou13. Zhanjiang14. Beihai
  • Stock Markets are Opened in Shanghai and Shenzhen

    Stock Markets are Opened in Shanghai and Shenzhen
    Stock Markets are Opened in Shanghai and Shenzhen which means that more money will enter the country and raise the GPA of the country.
  • China Becomes a Member of the World Trade Organization

    China Becomes a Member of the World Trade Organization
    Trade flows more smoothly which increases import and export and GDP
  • KFC

    Opens China's 700th KFC restaurant and this means that more and more western businesses open in China .
  • CNOOC buys a Nigerian Oil and Gas field

    CNOOC buys a Nigerian Oil and Gas field
    The CNOOC, one of China's largest oil and gas producers bought part of a Nigerian offshore oil and gas field. This makes them increase the market of the oil and gas.
  • French Company Areva Build Two Nuclear Reactors

    French Company Areva Build Two Nuclear Reactors
    French company Areva wins deal to build two nuclear reactors in the South of China. This will greate more jobs and electricy for the country.
  • China Invests Mining Company Rio Tinto

    China Invests Mining Company Rio Tinto
    China invests $19.5 billion in Rio Tinto a mining company. This action that China took increase the stock market, which could increase the growth of the economy.
  • China Overtakes Japan as World's Second Biggest Economy.

    China Overtakes Japan as World's Second Biggest Economy.
    China has passed Japan to become the world's second-largest economy. Japan has been the second largest economy for more than 40 years.
  • Coca-Cola Profits Jump on Sales to China.

    Coca-Cola Profits Jump on Sales to China.
    USA based Coke said that the volume of sales in China jumped by 24%